helper.py provides small utilities that don't really fit enywhere else but are needed in the package.
# import contextlib as ctl
import inspect
# import numpy as np
# import os
# import sys
# from scipy.spatial import cKDTree
# REMEMBERED = {} # used by remembering decorator
# def _plot_nothing(ax, traj, management_option):
# pass
# def _plot2d(ax, traj, management_option):
# ax.plot(traj[0], traj[1],
# color="lightblue" if management_option == 0 else "black")
# def _plot3d(ax, traj, management_option):
# ax.plot3D(xs=traj[0], ys=traj[1], zs=traj[2],
# color="lightblue" if management_option == 0 else "black")
# def _dont_follow(*args, **kwargs):
# return False
# def follow_point(starting_indices, paths, grid, states,
# verbosity=1,
# follow_condition=_dont_follow,
# plot_func=_plot_nothing,
# plot_axes=None,
# run_function=None,
# stepsize=None,
# ):
# if not follow_condition is _dont_follow:
# tree = cKDTree(grid)
# starting_indices = list(starting_indices)
# if verbosity >= 1:
# print("starting points and states for paths:")
# for ind in starting_indices:
# print("{!s} --- {:>2}".format(grid[ind], states[ind]))
# print()
# plotted_indices = set()
# print("calculating and plotting paths ... ", end="", flush=True)
# for ind0 in starting_indices:
# if ind0 in plotted_indices:
# continue
# plotted_indices.add(ind0)
# x0 = grid[ind0]
# ind1 = paths[1][ind]
# if ind1 > 0:
# x1 = paths[0][ind0]
# else:
# if follow_condition(ind0, grid, states):
# assert not run_function is None, "please provide a run_function"
# assert not stepsize is None, "please provide a stepsize"
# _, x1 = run_function(x0, stepsize)
# _, ind1 = tree.query(x1)
# else:
# continue
# plot_func(plot_axes, traj, management_option)
# if verbosity >= 2:
# print("{!s} --- {:>2}".format(grid[ind], states[ind]))
# _, x1 = default_run(grid[ind], stepsize)
# print("new_point: ", x1)
# print("going to index:", paths[1][ind])
# if paths[1][ind] >=0:
# starting_indices.append(paths[1][ind])
# elif FOLLOW:
# _, index = tree.query(x1)
# print("going to index (tree):", index)
# starting_indices.append(index)
# if np.all(is_inside([x0, x1], args.plot_boundaries)):
# traj = list(zip(x0, x1))
# ax3d.plot3D(xs=traj[0], ys=traj[1], zs=traj[2],
# color="lightblue" if paths[2][ind] == 0 else "black")
# starting_indices.append(paths[1][ind])
# print("done\n")
[docs]def get_parameter_order(func):
"""Get the order of positional arguments of a function.
func : callable
function whose argument order should be determined
list of string representations of `func`'s arguments in the expected order
args, _, _, defaults = inspect.getargspec(func)
assert len(args) >= 2, "your rhs function takes only %i arguments, but it "\
"should take at least x0 and t for odeint to work with it" % len(args)
return args[2:]
[docs]def get_ordered_parameters(func, parameter_dict):
"""Convert a dictionary of parameters for a function into an ordered tuple.
func : callable
function whose argument order should be determined
parameter_dict : dict
dictionary with
`keys` : string representation of the positional arguments of `func`
`values` : corresponding values that should be sorted by the order the keys
appear as arguments for `func`
tuple of the ordered parameters for `func`
ordered_parameters = get_parameter_order(func)
assert set(ordered_parameters).issubset(parameter_dict), "you did not " \
"provide all parameters"
return tuple([parameter_dict[par] for par in ordered_parameters])
# def fileno(file_or_fd):
# fd = getattr(file_or_fd, 'fileno', lambda: file_or_fd)()
# if not isinstance(fd, int):
# raise ValueError("Expected a file (`.fileno()`) or a file descriptor")
# return fd
# @ctl.contextmanager
# def stdout_redirected(to=os.devnull, stdout=None):
# """
# http://stackoverflow.com/a/22434262/190597 (J.F. Sebastian)
# """
# if stdout is None:
# stdout = sys.stdout
# stdout_fd = fileno(stdout)
# # copy stdout_fd before it is overwritten
# # NOTE: `copied` is inheritable on Windows when duplicating a standard
# # stream
# with os.fdopen(os.dup(stdout_fd), 'wb') as copied:
# stdout.flush() # flush library buffers that dup2 knows nothing about
# try:
# os.dup2(fileno(to), stdout_fd) # $ exec >&to
# except ValueError: # filename
# with open(to, 'wb') as to_file:
# os.dup2(to_file.fileno(), stdout_fd) # $ exec > to
# try:
# yield stdout # allow code to be run with the redirected stdout
# finally:
# # restore stdout to its previous value
# # NOTE: dup2 makes stdout_fd inheritable unconditionally
# stdout.flush()
# os.dup2(copied.fileno(), stdout_fd) # $ exec >&copied
# class remembering(object):
# def __init__(self, remember=True):
# self.remember = remember
# def __call__(self, f):
# if not self.remember:
# return f
# REMEMBERED[f] = {}
# def remembering_f(p, stepsize):
# p_tuple = tuple(p)
# if p_tuple in REMEMBERED[f]:
# return REMEMBERED[f][p_tuple]
# p2 = f(p, stepsize)
# REMEMBERED[f][p_tuple] = p2
# return p2
# return remembering_f