Source code for pyviability.libviability

Basic module that contains most of the relevant routines.

from __future__ import print_function, division, generators

from .tsm_style import tsm_colors

from . import periodic_kdtree as periodkdt

import numpy as np
import numpy.linalg as la
import math

import numba as nb

import scipy.integrate as integ
import scipy.spatial as spat

import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import warnings as warn

import itertools as it
import functools as ft
import datetime as dt

# Disclaimer:
# Most of the Code is written in functions so numba speed-up can
# be used easily. Everything will be wrapped in classes as soon
# as numba.jitclass has stabilized.

# Some doc strings are as comments, because the functions should
# not appear in the actual documentation. Usually, that is
# because they are still experimental.

# flush the output of print by default
print = ft.partial(print, flush=True)

# raise the odeing warning as an error because it indicates that we are at a
# fixed point (or the grid is not fine enough)
warn.filterwarnings("error", category=integ.odepack.ODEintWarning)

# these are automatically set during grid generation but need to be manually set
# when using own grid
BOUNDS_EPSILON = None  # should be set during grid Generation

INDEX_TYPE = np.int64
INDEX_TYPE_NB = nb.int64

# some constants so the calculation does end

# the stuff for remembering the status

TOPOLOGY_STEP_LIST = ["GENERAL", "SHELTER", "GLADE", "REMUP", "MANAGEABLE", "REMDOWN", "REST", "GENERAL", ""]  # the empty one is so that can be given, too

# verbose printing stuff

# The ones below are just used by the default pre-calculation hook and the
# default state evaluation. They are just here so they are not used for
# something else.

# ---- stuff for remembering the paths ----
PATHS = {}

# ---- states ----
# encode the different states as integers, so arrays of integers can be used
# later in numpy arrays (which are very fast on integers)
# None state should never be used as it is used to indicate out of bounds
LAKE = 3

assert set(REGIONS).issubset(globals())

OTHER_STATE = 14  # used for computation reasons only

# ---- Colors ----
# identify the states with the corresponding colors in order to be consistent
# with the color definitions from the original paper
        UNSET: "blue",
        -SHELTER: "blue",
        -GLADE: "blue",
        SHELTER: tsm_colors["cShelter"],
        GLADE: tsm_colors["cGlade"],
        LAKE: tsm_colors["cLake"],
        SUNNY_UP: tsm_colors["cSunnyUp"],
        DARK_UP: tsm_colors["cDarkUp"],
        BACKWATERS: tsm_colors["cBackwaters"],
        SUNNY_DOWN: tsm_colors["cSunnyDown"],
        DARK_DOWN: tsm_colors["cDarkDown"],
        SUNNY_EDDIES: tsm_colors["cSunnyEddie"],
        DARK_EDDIES: tsm_colors["cDarkEddie"],
        SUNNY_ABYSS: tsm_colors["cSunnyAbyss"],
        DARK_ABYSS: tsm_colors["cDarkAbyss"],
        TRENCH: tsm_colors["cTrench"],

[docs]def printv(*args, verbosity=1, date_behind = False, **kwargs): """Print the output depending on the given verbosity.""" if "flush" not in kwargs: kwargs["flush"] = True if verbosity <= VERBOSITY: date = print_args = list(args) if date_behind: print_args.append(PRINT_INFIX_BEHIND + date + PRINT_POSTFIX_BEHIND) else: print_args.insert(0, PRINT_PREFIX + date + PRINT_INFIX) print(*print_args, **kwargs)
def printd(*args, **kwargs): # Print the output depending on the global variable `DEDBUGGING`. if "flush" not in kwargs: kwargs["flush"] = True if DEBUGGING: print(*args, **kwargs) def Delta_series(Delta_0, dim): # create the detla series for a simplex-based grid q = Delta_0 ** 2 return [np.sqrt(q * (n+2) / (2*n + 2)) for n in range(dim)] def p_series(Delta_0, dim): # returns the p vectors as an array p[i, j] where j enumerates the \ # vector (and thus dimension) and i the component p_all = np.zeros((dim, dim)) for n, Delta_n in enumerate(Delta_series(Delta_0, dim)): p_all[:n, n] = np.sum(p_all[:n, :n], axis=1) / (n+1) p_all[n, n] = Delta_n return p_all
[docs]def generate_grid(boundaries, n0, grid_type = "orthogonal", periodicity=[], verbosity=True): """Generate a grid, that is already normalized to [0, 1]^dimension. **Note:** This function also sets globally MAX_NEIGHBOR_DISTANCE, BOUNDS_EPSILON, STEPSIZE, ALL_NEIGHBORS_DISTANCE. So if you don't use this function, you need to set it yourself by hand. Later, this will be circumvented by using proper OO-programming. Parameters ---------- boundaries : array-like shape (dim, 2), give the boundaries (min and max) for each dimension of the mode system n0 : non-negative int total number of points that the grid should have grid_type : str, default: "orthogonal" specify the grid_type to be created. experimental, only use if your know what you do periodicity : array-like, default: [] specify if there is an peridicity given (to avoid overlapping points) verbosity : bool, default: True specify the verbosity Returns ------- tuple (grid, scaling_vectors, offset, x_step) with `grid`: the actual rescaled grid `scaling_vectors`, `offset` : parameters to scale the grid back to the original size `x_step` : stepsize of the grid """ global MAX_NEIGHBOR_DISTANCE, BOUNDS_EPSILON, STEPSIZE, ALL_NEIGHBORS_DISTANCE # These are set globally afterwards. assert grid_type in ["simplex-based", "orthogonal"], "unkown grid type '{!s}'".format(grid_type) boundaries = np.asarray(boundaries) periodicity = np.asarray(periodicity) dim = boundaries.shape[0] offset = boundaries[:, 0].astype(float) scaling_factor = boundaries[:, 1] - boundaries[:, 0] if not periodicity.size: periodicity = - np.ones((dim,)) assert periodicity.shape == (dim,), "given boundaries do not match periodicity input" periodicity_bool = (periodicity > 0) ############################# # generate the basic grid ############################# grid_prep_aperiodic = np.linspace(0, 1, n0) grid_prep_periodic = np.linspace(0, 1, n0-1, endpoint=False) # the last point is not set as it would be the same as the first one in # a periodic grid grid_args = [grid_prep_periodic if periodicity_bool[d] else grid_prep_aperiodic for d in range(dim)] # create the grid grid = np.asarray(np.meshgrid(*grid_args)) # move the axis with the dimenion to the back grid = np.rollaxis(grid, 0, dim + 1) # flattening the array grid = np.reshape(grid, (-1, dim)) x_step = grid_prep_periodic[1] if grid_type in ["orthogonal"]: scaling_vectors = np.diag(1 / scaling_factor) assert x_step == grid_prep_aperiodic[1], "bug?" MAX_NEIGHBOR_DISTANCE = 1.5 * x_step BOUNDS_EPSILON = 0.1 * x_step ALL_NEIGHBORS_DISTANCE = 2 * np.sqrt(dim) * x_step + BOUNDS_EPSILON # print("x_step", x_step) # print("ALL_NEIGHBORS_DISTANCE", ALL_NEIGHBORS_DISTANCE) # assert False # ALL_NEIGHBORS_DISTANCE = np.sqrt(dim) * x_step + BOUNDS_EPSILON # STEPSIZE = ALL_NEIGHBORS_DISTANCE # STEPSIZE = 1.5 * x_step # STEPSIZE = 2.5 * x_step STEPSIZE = 2. * x_step elif grid_type in ["simplex-based"]: if np.any(periodicity_bool[1:]): # the periodic binary tree can handle orthogonal periodicity only # because the first basis vector for the simplex based grid is # parallel to the x-axis, orthogonality in the first dimension is # okai and the if statement above tests only periodicity_bool[1:] raise NotImplementedError("The generation of the simplex-based grid is not yet compatible with periodic state spaces (except in the first dimension).") basis_vectors = p_series(1., dim) scaling_vectors = basis_vectors / scaling_factor[None, :] grid = np.tensordot(grid, basis_vectors, axes=[(1,), (1,)]) # when recursively going through, then add the direct neighbors only MAX_NEIGHBOR_DISTANCE = 1.01 * x_step # x_step = Delta_0 # Delta_0 is side length of the simplices BOUNDS_EPSILON = 0.1 * x_step STEPSIZE = 2.5 * x_step # seems to be correct ALL_NEIGHBORS_DISTANCE = la.norm(np.sum(basis_vectors, axis=1)) * x_step + BOUNDS_EPSILON if verbosity: print("created {:d} points".format(grid.shape[0])) return grid, scaling_vectors, offset, x_step
def _generate_viability_single_point(evolutions, state_evaluation, use_numba=False, nb_nopython=False): if use_numba: raise NotImplementedError("numba usage doesn't really make sense here, because KDTREE cannot be numba jitted") else: def _viability_single_point(coordinate_index, coordinates, states, stop_states, succesful_state, else_state): """Calculate whether a coordinate with value 'stop_value' can be reached from 'coordinates[coordinate_index]'.""" start = coordinates[coordinate_index] start_state = states[coordinate_index] global DEBUGGING, PATHS # Keep the below statements as they are rather useful for the debugging. # Will be removed for the 1.0 release (one day ^^). # DEBUGGING = True # DEBUGGING = DEBUGGING and STATUS == "TOPOLOGY MANAGEABLE COMPUTATION" # DEBUGGING = DEBUGGING and (start_state == 1) # DEBUGGING = (coordinate_index == (10 * 80 - 64,)) # DEBUGGING = DEBUGGING and la.norm(start - np.array([0.0777, 0.947, 1.])) < 0.05 # DEBUGGING = DEBUGGING and la.norm(start - np.array([0.008, 0.747])) < 0.001 # DEBUGGING = DEBUGGING and start[0] < 0.01 # DEBUGGING = DEBUGGING and start_state == 1 # DEBUGGING = DEBUGGING or la.norm(start - np.array([0.1, 0.606])) < 0.02 # DEBUGGING = True # print("DEBUGGING", DEBUGGING) # if DEBUGGING: # print() for evol_num, evol in enumerate(evolutions): traj = evol(start, STEPSIZE) final_index, final_state = state_evaluation(traj) if final_state in stop_states: # and constraint(point) and final_distance < MAX_FINAL_DISTANCE: if PATHS: PATHS["reached point"][coordinate_index][:] = traj[-1] PATHS["next point index"][coordinate_index] = final_index PATHS["choice"][coordinate_index] = evol_num if DEBUGGING: print( "%i:" % evol_num, coordinate_index, start, start_state, "-->", final_state ) return succesful_state # run the other evolutions to check whether they can reach a point with 'stop_state' if DEBUGGING: print("%i:"%evol_num, coordinate_index, start, start_state, "## break") # didn't find an option leading to a point with 'stop_state' if DEBUGGING: print("all:", coordinate_index, start, start_state, "-->", else_state) return else_state return _viability_single_point def _state_evaluation_kdtree_line(traj): # deprecated (for now ^^) start_point = traj[0] final_point = traj[-1] # print("start_point", start_point) # print("final_point", final_point) if OUT_OF_BOUNDS: # check whether out-of-bounds projected_values = np.tensordot(BASIS_VECTORS_INV, final_point, axes=[(1,), (0,)]) if np.any( BOUNDS[:, 0] > projected_values) or np.any( BOUNDS[:, 1] < projected_values ): # is the point out-of-bounds? if DEBUGGING: print("out-of-bounds") return -1, OUT_OF_BOUNDS_STATE # assert False, "out of bounds doesn't seem to work?" # if not out-of-bounds, determine where it went to # print("ALL_NEIGHBORS_DISTANCE", ALL_NEIGHBORS_DISTANCE) # print("start_point", start_point) neighbor_indices = KDTREE.query_ball_point(start_point, ALL_NEIGHBORS_DISTANCE) # print("neighbor_indices", neighbor_indices) neighbors =[neighbor_indices] # print("neighbors", neighbors) # print("[2]",[2]) # print("diff", neighbors -[2]) # print("norm(diff)", la.norm(neighbors -[2], axis=-1)) if hasattr(KDTREE, "bounds"): if DEBUGGING: print("bounds", KDTREE.bounds) bool_bounds = (KDTREE.bounds > 0) newbounds = KDTREE.bounds[bool_bounds] _start_point = np.copy(start_point) _start_point[bool_bounds] = start_point[bool_bounds] % newbounds else: _start_point = start_point _start_point_local_index = np.argmax(np.logical_and.reduce(np.isclose(neighbors, _start_point[None, :]), axis=1)) _start_point_global_index = neighbor_indices.pop(_start_point_local_index) neighbors = np.delete(neighbors, _start_point_local_index, axis=0) del _start_point_local_index if DEBUGGING: # print("start_point", start_point) # print(neighbors.shape) # print("neighbors") # print(neighbors) plt.plot(start_point[0], start_point[1], color="black", linestyle="", marker=".", markersize=40, zorder=0) plt.plot(_start_point[0], _start_point[1], color="black", linestyle="", marker=".", markersize=40, zorder=0) plt.plot(neighbors[:, 0], neighbors[:, 1], color="blue", linestyle="", marker=".", markersize=50, zorder=0) a = final_point - start_point if np.allclose(a, 0): closest_index = _start_point_global_index else: # print("neighbors", neighbors) b = neighbors - start_point[None, :] # take care of the periodic boundaries if hasattr(KDTREE, "bounds"): newbounds = np.ones_like(KDTREE.bounds) # newbounds = np.array(KDTREE.bounds) # newbounds[newbounds <= 0] = np.infty shiftbounds = 0.5 * np.ones_like(newbounds) warn.warn("using cheap fix for periodic boundary here") # if DEBUGGING: # print("a", a) # print("b", b) a = (a + shiftbounds) % newbounds - shiftbounds b = (b + shiftbounds[None, :]) % newbounds[None, :] - shiftbounds[None, :] # if DEBUGGING: # print("a", a) # print("b", b) _p = np.tensordot(a, b, axes=[(0,), (1,)]) distances_to_line_squared = np.sum(b * b, axis=1) - \ _p * np.abs(_p) /, a) # the signum of _p is used to find the correct side _n_index = np.argmin(distances_to_line_squared) closest_index = neighbor_indices[_n_index] final_state = STATES[closest_index] if DEBUGGING: print("evaluation:", start_point, "via", final_point, "to",[closest_index], "with state", final_state) return closest_index, final_state
[docs]def state_evaluation_kdtree(traj): """Get the closest point to the end of the trajectory in the grid using KDTREE. **Note:** Used internally during the viability computations. """ # global DEBUGGING point = traj[-1] if OUT_OF_BOUNDS: projected_values = np.zeros_like(point) dim = point.shape[0] for i in range(dim): projected_values += BASIS_VECTORS_INV[:, i] * point[i] out = False for i in range(dim): if (BOUNDS[i, 0] > projected_values[i]) or (BOUNDS[i, 1] < projected_values[i]): out = True break if out: # DEBUGGING = False # if DEBUGGING: # print("out-of-bounds") return -1, OUT_OF_BOUNDS_STATE _, tree_index = KDTREE.query(point, 1) # DEBUGGING = DEBUGGING and (STATES[tree_index] in [-1, 1, -2, 2]) # if DEBUGGING: # print("evaluation:", traj[0], "via", traj[1], "to",[tree_index], "with state", STATES[tree_index]) return tree_index, STATES[tree_index]
# def state_evaluation_kdtree(traj): # point = traj[-1] # if OUT_OF_BOUNDS: # projected_values = np.tensordot(BASIS_VECTORS_INV, point, axes=[(1,), (0,)]) # if np.any( BOUNDS[:, 0] > projected_values) or np.any( BOUNDS[:, 1] < projected_values ): # is the point out-of-bounds? # if DEBUGGING: # print("out-of-bounds") # return OUT_OF_BOUNDS_STATE # _, tree_index = KDTREE.query(point, 1) # return tree_index, STATES[tree_index]
[docs]def pre_calculation_hook_kdtree(coordinates, states, is_sunny=None, periodicity=None, grid_type=None, out_of_bounds=True): """Do all prepratory stuff for a viability computation. **Note:** Usually used internally only. This function creates the KDTREE, makes a variety of variables globally accessible. """ global KDTREE, STATES, BASIS_VECTORS, BASIS_VECTORS_INV, BOUNDS, OUT_OF_BOUNDS STATES = states dim = np.shape(coordinates)[-1] periodicity_bool = (periodicity > 0) printv("creating k-d tree ...", end=" ", flush=True) # check, if there are periodic boundaries and if so, use different tree form if np.any(periodicity_bool): assert dim == len(periodicity_bool), "Given boundaries don't match with " \ "dimensions of coordinates. " \ "Write '-1' if boundary is not periodic!" assert (grid_type in ["orthogonal"]) or ((grid_type in ["simplex-based"]) and not np.any(periodicity_bool[1:])),\ "does PeriodicCKDTREE support the periodicity for your grid?" KDTREE = periodkdt.PeriodicCKDTree(periodicity, coordinates) else: KDTREE = spat.cKDTree(coordinates) printv("done", date_behind=True) OUT_OF_BOUNDS = not (out_of_bounds is False) if OUT_OF_BOUNDS: if out_of_bounds is True: out_of_bounds = [[True, True]] * dim out_of_bounds = np.asarray(out_of_bounds) if out_of_bounds.shape == (dim,): out_of_bounds = np.repeat(out_of_bounds[:, None], 2, axis=1) assert out_of_bounds.shape == (dim, 2) dim = coordinates.shape[-1] BOUNDS = np.zeros((dim, 2)) if grid_type == "orthogonal": basis_vectors = np.eye(dim) elif grid_type == "simplex-based": basis_vectors = p_series(1, dim) BASIS_VECTORS = basis_vectors BASIS_VECTORS_INV = la.inv(BASIS_VECTORS) for d in range(dim): if periodicity_bool[d]: BOUNDS[d, :] = -np.inf, np.inf # this basically means, because of periodicity, the trajectories # cannot run out-of-bounds else: # project the values on the basis vector with a scalar product # for that reason, basis vectors need to be normalized # projected_values = np.tensordot(coordinates, basis_vectors[:,d], axes=[(1,), (0,)]) # actually the idea above is correct and this is simply the result # combined with the checking whether out-of-bounds should be # applied BOUNDS[d, :] = np.where(out_of_bounds[d], (-BOUNDS_EPSILON, 1 + BOUNDS_EPSILON), (-np.infty, np.infty)) # BOUNDS[d,:] = np.min(projected_values) - BOUNDS_EPSILON, np.max(projected_values) + BOUNDS_EPSILON # BOUNDS[d,:] = np.min(coordinates[:,d]) - BOUNDS_EPSILON, np.max(coordinates[:,d]) + BOUNDS_EPSILON projected_values = np.tensordot(coordinates, BASIS_VECTORS_INV, axes=[(1,), (1,)]) assert np.all( BOUNDS[None, :, 0] < projected_values) \ and np.all( BOUNDS[None, :, 1] > projected_values ),\ "BOUNDS and coordinates do not fit together, did you set the correct grid_type argument?"
[docs]class RemovingSetWrapper(set): """RemovingSetWrapper removes elements on iteration. **Note:** Usually used internally only. When iterating over RemovingSetWrapper, the iterated element is removed. This manages basically which points are still needed to iterate over in the viability algorithm. """ def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): if len(self): return self.pop() else: raise StopIteration
def _viability_kernel_step(coordinates, states, *, good_states, bad_states, succesful_states, work_states, evolutions, state_evaluation, use_numba=False, nb_nopython=False): """do a single step of the viability calculation algorithm by checking which points stay immediately within the good_states""" changed = False assert len(coordinates.shape) == 2, "use flattened grid, plz" max_index = coordinates.shape[0] viability_single_point = _generate_viability_single_point(evolutions, state_evaluation, use_numba=use_numba, nb_nopython=nb_nopython) COUNTER = 0 neighbors = RemovingSetWrapper(range(max_index)) for index in neighbors: # iterate over all indices and, if one is change, add the neighbors again (if necessary) COUNTER += 1 old_state = states[index] if old_state in work_states: state_index = work_states.index(old_state) succesful_state = succesful_states[state_index] bad_state = bad_states[state_index] new_state = viability_single_point(index, coordinates, states, good_states, succesful_state, bad_state) if new_state != old_state: changed = True states[index] = new_state # get_neighbor_indices(index, shape, neighbor_list = neighbors) get_neighbor_indices_via_cKD(index, neighbor_list=neighbors) print("FINAL COUNTER", COUNTER) return changed
[docs]def get_neighbor_indices_via_cKD(index, neighbor_list=[]): """extend 'neighbor_list' by all neighbors that are closer than STEPSIZE + BOUNDS_EPSILON """ index = np.asarray(index).astype(int) tree_neighbors = KDTREE.query_ball_point([index].flatten(), STEPSIZE + BOUNDS_EPSILON) neighbor_list.update(tree_neighbors) # neighbor_list.extend(tree_neighbors) return neighbor_list
# def get_neighbor_indices(index, shape, neighbor_list=[]): # """append all neighboring indices of 'index' to 'neighbor_list' if they are within 'shape'""" # # index = np.asarray(index) # shape = np.asarray(shape) # # for diff_index in it.product([-1, 0, 1], repeat=len(index)): # diff_index = np.asarray(diff_index) # new_index = index + diff_index # # if np.count_nonzero(diff_index) and np.all( new_index >= 0 ) and np.all( new_index < shape ): # neighbor_list.append(tuple(new_index)) # # return neighbor_list def _viability_kernel(coordinates, states, *, good_states, bad_state, succesful_state, work_state, evolutions, state_evaluation, periodic_boundaries=[] ): """calculate the viability kernel by iterating through the viability kernel steps until convergence (no further change)""" # assert coordinates.shape[:-1] == states.shape[:-1], "'coordinates' and 'states' don't match in shape" # assert "x_step" in globals() # needs to be set by the user for now ... will be changed later assert "BOUNDS_EPSILON" in globals() # needs to be set by the user for now ... will be changed later # assert "MAX_FINAL_DISTANCE" in globals() # needs to be set by the user for now ... will be changed later assert "MAX_NEIGHBOR_DISTANCE" in globals() # needs to be set by the user for now ... will be changed later assert "STEPSIZE" in globals() # as the above comments # global x_half_step # x_half_step = x_step/2 try: work_states = list(work_state) except TypeError: work_states = [work_state] try: succesful_states = list(succesful_state) except TypeError: succesful_states = [succesful_state] try: bad_states = list(bad_state) except TypeError: bad_states = [bad_state] # actually only one step is needed due to the recursive checks (i.e. first # checking all neighbors of a point that changed state) return _viability_kernel_step(coordinates, states, good_states=good_states, bad_states=bad_states, succesful_states=succesful_states, work_states=work_states, evolutions=evolutions, state_evaluation=state_evaluation) def _viability_capture_basin(coordinates, states, *, target_states, reached_state, bad_state, work_state, evolutions, state_evaluation=state_evaluation_kdtree ): """reuse the viability kernel algorithm to calculate the capture basin""" if work_state in states and any( ( target_state in states for target_state in target_states) ): # num_work = np.count_nonzero(work_state == states) _viability_kernel(coordinates, states, good_states=target_states + [reached_state], bad_state=work_state, succesful_state=reached_state, work_state=work_state, evolutions=evolutions, state_evaluation=state_evaluation ) # changed = (num_work == np.count_nonzero(reached_state == states)) else: printv("capture basin: empty work or target set", verbosity=2) # changed = False # all the points that still have the state work_state are not part of the capture basin and are set to be bad_states changed = (work_state in states) states[ states == work_state ] = bad_state return changed # below are just helper functions
[docs]def plot_points(coords, states, markersize=15, plot_unset=False): """plot the current states in the viability calculation as points""" assert set(states.flatten()).issubset(COLORS) plot_colors = list(COLORS) if not plot_unset: plot_colors.pop(UNSET) for color_state in plot_colors: plt.plot(coords[ states == color_state, 0], coords[ states == color_state, 1], color=COLORS[color_state], linestyle="", marker=".", markersize=markersize, zorder=0)
[docs]def plot_areas(coords, states): """plot the current states in the viability calculation as areas""" states = states.flatten() assert set(states).issubset(COLORS) coords = np.reshape(coords, states.shape + (-1,)) x, y = coords[:, 0], coords[:, 1] color_states = sorted(COLORS) cmap = mpl.colors.ListedColormap([ COLORS[state] for state in color_states ]) bounds = color_states[:1] + [ state + 0.5 for state in color_states[:-1]] + color_states[-1:] norm = mpl.colors.BoundaryNorm(bounds, cmap.N) plt.tripcolor(x, y, states, cmap=cmap, norm=norm, shading="gouraud")
[docs]def make_run_function(rhs, ordered_params, offset, scaling_vector, returning="linear", use_numba=True, nb_nopython=True, rescaling_epsilon=1e-6, ): """Create a *run-function* from a right-hand side of an ordinary differential equation. The *run-function* takes a starting point and a time and returns a trajectory that follows the corresponding ODE. It basically provides the step from a generic ODE to a map that gives the next point. The reason the return value is actually a trajectory and not just the next point is simply future compatibility. **Note:** This function automatically rescales the RHS to work on [0, 1]^dim and homogenizes the time (see Parameters ---------- rhs : callable Function that representes the RHS of the ODE. The first two arguments should be the point `x` in state space and the time `t`. The following arguments should be parameters that are need to be given, if necessary. ordered_params : tuple The parameters needed for rhs. offset : array-like output from grid rescaling, see `generate_grid` scaling_vector : array-like output from grid rescaling, see `generate_grid` returning : str, default : "linear" only change of you know what you do use_numa : bool, default : True Should numba be used? nb_nb_nopython : bool, default : True, If numba is used, force nopython-mode? rescaling_rescaling_epsilon : float, default : 1e-6 When homogenizing the time, which \epsilong value should be used. see Returns ------- callable The corresponding run-function. """ S = np.array(scaling_vector, order="C", copy=True) Sinv = np.array(la.inv(S), order="C", copy=True) # ---------------------------------------- def rhs_scaled_to_one_PS(y, t): """\ for 2D plotting of the whole phase space plot rescales space only, because that should be enough for the phase space plot """ x = offset[:, None, None] + np.tensordot(Sinv, y, axes=[(1,), (0,)]) val = rhs(x, t, *ordered_params) # calculate the rhs val = np.tensordot(S, val, axes=[(1,), (0,)]) return val # ---------------------------------------- if use_numba: @nb.jit(nopython=nb_nopython) def rhs_rescaled(y, t, *args): dim = len(y) # because of the rescaling to 1 in every dimension # transforming y -> x x = np.copy(offset) for i in range(dim): x += Sinv[:, i] * y[i] # x += Sinv[:, i] * y[i] dx = rhs(x, t, *args) # transforming dx -> dy dy = np.zeros_like(y) for i in range(dim): dy += S[:, i] * dx[i] # dy += S[:, i] * dx[i] # normalization of dy dy_norm = 0. for i in range(dim): dy_norm += dy[i]*dy[i] dy_norm = math.sqrt(dy_norm) # check whether it's a fixed point if dy_norm == 0.: return np.zeros_like(dy) return dy / (dy_norm + rescaling_epsilon) else: def rhs_rescaled(y, t, *args): # because of the rescaling to 1 in every dimension # transforming y -> x x = offset +, y) # transforming dx -> dy dy =, rhs(x, t, *args)) # calculate the rhs # normalization of dy dy_norm = np.sqrt(np.sum(dy ** 2, axis=-1)) if dy_norm == 0.: return np.zeros_like(dy) return dy / (dy_norm + rescaling_epsilon) if use_numba: @nb.jit(nopython=nb_nopython) def normalized_linear_approximation(x, dt): xdot = rhs_rescaled(x, dt, *ordered_params) traj = np.empty((2, x.shape[0])) traj[0] = x if np.any(np.isinf(xdot)): # raise artifiially the warning if inf turns up # warn.warn("got a inf in the RHS function; assume {!s} to be a stable fixed point and returning the starting point".format(x), # category=RuntimeWarning) traj[1] = traj[0] else: traj[1] = x + xdot*dt return traj else: def normalized_linear_approximation(x, dt): xdot = rhs_rescaled(x, dt, *ordered_params) traj = np.array([x, x + xdot*dt]) if np.any(np.isinf(xdot)): # raise artifiially the warning if inf turns up warn.warn("got a inf in the RHS function; assume {!s} to be a stable fixed point and returning the starting point".format(x), category=RuntimeWarning) traj[1] = traj[0] if DEBUGGING: p = traj[1] # plot the point, but a bit larger than the color one later plt.plot(p[0], p[1], color="red", linestyle="", marker=".", markersize=45, zorder=0) elif DEBUGGING: plt.plot(traj[:, 0], traj[:, 1], color="red", linewidth=1) return traj # @nb.jit # def distance_normalized_rhs(x, lam, x0, *args): # val = rhs_scaled_to_one(x, lam, *args) # calculate the rhs # if lam == 0: # return val / np.sqrt(np.sum( val ** 2, axis=-1) ) # return val * lam / np.sum( (x-x0) * val, axis=-1) # @helper.remembering(remember=remember) # def integration(p, stepsize): # if DEBUGGING: # integ_time = np.linspace(0, stepsize, 100) # else: # integ_time = [0, stepsize] # try: # with helper.stdout_redirected(): # traj = integ.odeint(distance_normalized_rhs, p, integ_time, # args=(p,) + ordered_params, # printmessg = False # ) # if np.any(np.isnan(traj[-1])): # raise artifiially the warning if nan turns up # raise integ.odepack.ODEintWarning("got a nan") # except integ.odepack.ODEintWarning: # warn.warn("got an integration warning; assume {!s} to be a stable fixed point and returning the starting point".format(p), # category=RuntimeWarning) # if DEBUGGING: # # plot the point, but a bit larger than the color one later # plt.plot(p[0], p[1], color = "red", # linestyle = "", marker = ".", markersize = 45 ,zorder=0) # return np.asarray([p, p]) # # if DEBUGGING: # plt.plot(traj[:, 0], traj[:, 1], color="red", linewidth=3) # return np.asarray([traj[0], traj[-1]]) # else: # return traj if returning == "linear": return normalized_linear_approximation elif returning == "PS": return rhs_scaled_to_one_PS else: raise NameError("I don't know what to do with returning={!r}".format(returning))
[docs]def scaled_to_one_sunny(is_sunny, offset, scaling_vector): """Scale the is_sunny function so it operates on [0, 1]^dim.""" S = scaling_vector Sinv = la.inv(S) def scaled_sunny(grid): new_grid = np.tensordot(grid, Sinv, axes=[(1,), (1,)]) + offset[None, :] # new_grid = backscaling_grid(grid, scaling_vector, offset) # new_grid =, grid) + offset val = is_sunny(new_grid) # calculate the rhs return val # normalize it return scaled_sunny
# def trajectory_length(traj): # return np.sum( la.norm( traj[1:] - traj[:-1], axis=-1) ) # def trajectory_length_index(traj, target_length): # lengths = np.cumsum( la.norm( traj[1:] - traj[:-1], axis=-1) ) # # if target_length < lengths[-1]: # return traj.shape[0] # incl. last element # index_0, index_1 = 0, traj.shape[0] - 1 # # while index_0 not in [index_1, index_1 - 1]: # middle_index = int( (index_0 + index_1)/2 ) # # if lengths[middle_index] <= target_length: # index_0 = middle_index # else: # index_1 = middle_index # # return index_1
[docs]def backscaling_grid(grid, scaling_vector, offset): """Scale a grid back( after computation) from [0, 1]^dim to the original state space.""" S = scaling_vector Sinv = la.inv(S) new_grid = np.tensordot(grid, Sinv, axes=[(1,), (1,)]) + offset[None, :] return new_grid
def reset_initial_states(coordinates, states): # All initially given states are set to positive counterparts # coordinates is given because this is the standard for a post_computation_hook of topology_classification (see there) states[(states < UNSET)] *= -1
[docs]def set_global_status(*args, print_verbosity=None): """Setting the global Status of a Computation so it can be read out in case of Errors.""" assert not STATUS_PREFIX is None, "STATUS_PREFIX has to be set, maybe you found a bug?" global STATUS STATUS = STATUS_INFIX.join((STATUS_PREFIX,) + args) if print_verbosity is None: print_verbosity = 2 if STATUS_PREFIX == STATUS_TOPOLOGY: if args[1] == STATUS_PREPARATION: print_verbosity = 1 printv(STATUS, verbosity=print_verbosity)
[docs]def get_global_status(): """Return the current Status of a computation.""" return STATUS
[docs]def topology_classification(coordinates, states, default_evols, management_evols, is_sunny, periodic_boundaries=[], compute_eddies=False, pre_calculation_hook=pre_calculation_hook_kdtree, # None means nothing to be done state_evaluation=state_evaluation_kdtree, post_computation_hook=reset_initial_states, grid_type="orthogonal", out_of_bounds=True, # either bool or bool array with shape (dim, ) or shape (dim, 2) with values for each boundary remember_paths=False, verbosity=0, stop_when_finished=TOPOLOGY_STEP_LIST[-1], # means everything goes ): """Estimate different regions of the state space using viability theory algorithms. This function computes the Topology of Sustainable Management (TSM) classification of the state space (see [1] for mathematical details). The first application can be found in [2]. [1] [2] *Note:* A `state` is an integer referring to a certain region (in the sense of TSM), corresponding as to how they are defined in the header of this file Parameters ---------- coordinates : array-like Grid used for the computation, shape (n0, dim) where n0 is the total number of points and dim the dimension of the system states : array-like associates to each grid point the corresponding state. negative values correspond to preset values given by the user. **The results will be saved in here.** compute_eddies : bool, default : True Should the Eddies be computed as well. As indicated in [2], this may take quite a bit of computational power and is hence switched of generally. pre_pre_calculation_hook : callable, default : pre_pre_calculation_hook_kdtree ignore if you don't know what to do state_evaluation : callable, default : state_evaluation_kdtree ignore if you don't know what to do post_computation_hook : callable, default : reset_initial_states ignore if you don't know what to do grid_type : str, default : "orthogonal" out_of_bounds : bool, default : True Is outside of the grid a undesirable region (in the sense of TSM)? remember_paths : bool, default : False Remember the paths that have been used. This is actually more of a hack and should not really be used. verbosity : int, default : 0 stop_when_finished : str, default : '' For Debugging only: stop when a certain operation has finished. See TOPOLOGY_STEP_LIST for the list of possible values. """ global VERBOSITY VERBOSITY = verbosity global STATUS_PREFIX STATUS_PREFIX = STATUS_TOPOLOGY current_step = 0 set_global_status(TOPOLOGY_STEP_LIST[current_step], STATUS_PREPARATION) if isinstance(stop_when_finished, str): stop_when_finished = TOPOLOGY_STEP_LIST.index(stop_when_finished) assert isinstance(stop_when_finished, int) and stop_when_finished >= 0 coordinates = np.asarray(coordinates) states = np.asarray(states) grid_size, dim = coordinates.shape assert states.shape == (grid_size,), "coordinates and states input doesn't match" if remember_paths: printv("generating PATHS and PATHS_LAKE arrays") global PATHS, PATHS_LAKE PATHS = {} PATHS["reached point"] = np.copy(coordinates) # for the target point PATHS["next point index"] = np.ones((grid_size,), dtype=PATHS_INDEX_TYPE) * PATHS_INDEX_DEFAULT # the coordinate where the target point get's associated to PATHS["choice"] = np.ones((grid_size,), dtype=PATHS_MANAGEMENT_TYPE) * PATHS_MANAGEMENT_DEFAULT # for the number of the management option PATHS_LAKE = {} PATHS_LAKE["reached point"] = np.copy(PATHS["reached point"]) PATHS_LAKE["next point index"] = np.copy(PATHS["next point index"]) PATHS_LAKE["choice"] = np.copy(PATHS["choice"]) # PATHS = (np.copy(coordinates), # for the target point # -np.ones((grid_size,), dtype=int), # the coordinate where the target point get's associated to # -np.ones((grid_size,), dtype=np.int16) ) # for the number of the management option if periodic_boundaries == []: periodic_boundaries = - np.ones(dim) periodic_boundaries = np.asarray(periodic_boundaries) if pre_calculation_hook is not None: # run the pre-calculation hook (defaults to creation of the KD-Tree) pre_calculation_hook(coordinates, states, is_sunny=is_sunny, periodicity=periodic_boundaries, grid_type=grid_type, out_of_bounds=out_of_bounds) # make sure, evols can be treated as lists default_evols = list(default_evols) management_evols = list(management_evols) all_evols = default_evols + management_evols # better remove this and use directly the lower level stuff, see issue #13 viability_kwargs = dict( state_evaluation=state_evaluation, ) # shelter_empty = False # backwater_empty = False if all_evols: if not default_evols: printv('no default dynamics given, skipping upstream') current_step += 3 else: # shelter computation current_step += 1 set_global_status(TOPOLOGY_STEP_LIST[current_step], STATUS_PREPARATION) states[(states == UNSET) & is_sunny(coordinates)] = SHELTER # initial state for shelter calculation set_global_status(TOPOLOGY_STEP_LIST[current_step], STATUS_COMPUTATION) _viability_kernel(coordinates, states, good_states=[SHELTER, -SHELTER], bad_state=UNSET, succesful_state=SHELTER, work_state=SHELTER, evolutions=default_evols, **viability_kwargs) set_global_status(TOPOLOGY_STEP_LIST[current_step], STATUS_DONE) if stop_when_finished == "shelter": # do the post computation hook (default, setting negative states positive) # and then exit post_computation_hook(coordinates, states) return if not np.any(states == SHELTER): # shelter is empty? printv('shelter empty, skip rest of upstream') current_step += 2 else: current_step += 1 if not management_evols: printv('no management dynamics given, skipping glade') else: set_global_status(TOPOLOGY_STEP_LIST[current_step], STATUS_PREPARATION) states[(states == UNSET) & is_sunny(coordinates)] = SUNNY_UP # glade computation set_global_status(TOPOLOGY_STEP_LIST[current_step], STATUS_COMPUTATION) _viability_capture_basin(coordinates, states, target_states=[SHELTER, -SHELTER], reached_state=GLADE, bad_state=UNSET, work_state=SUNNY_UP, evolutions=all_evols, **viability_kwargs) set_global_status(TOPOLOGY_STEP_LIST[current_step], STATUS_DONE) if stop_when_finished <= current_step: # do the post computation hook (default, setting negative states positive) # and then exit post_computation_hook(coordinates, states) return current_step += 1 # computation remaining upstream dark and sunny (containing possible lake) set_global_status(TOPOLOGY_STEP_LIST[current_step], STATUS_PREPARATION) states[(states == UNSET)] = DARK_UP set_global_status(TOPOLOGY_STEP_LIST[current_step], STATUS_COMPUTATION) _viability_capture_basin(coordinates, states, target_states=[SHELTER, -SHELTER, GLADE, -GLADE, -SUNNY_UP, -DARK_UP, -LAKE], reached_state=SUNNY_UP, bad_state=UNSET, work_state=DARK_UP, evolutions=all_evols, **viability_kwargs) set_global_status(TOPOLOGY_STEP_LIST[current_step], STATUS_POSTPROCESSING) states[~is_sunny(coordinates) & (states == SUNNY_UP)] = DARK_UP set_global_status(TOPOLOGY_STEP_LIST[current_step], STATUS_DONE) assert current_step == TOPOLOGY_STEP_LIST.index("REMUP"), "consistency check failed, bug? ({} != {})".format(current_step, TOPOLOGY_STEP_LIST.index("REMUP")) if stop_when_finished <= current_step: # do the post computation hook (default, setting negative states positive) # and then exit post_computation_hook(coordinates, states) return if not management_evols: printv('no management dynamics given, skipping lake and downstream') current_step += 2 else: current_step += 1 assert current_step == TOPOLOGY_STEP_LIST.index("MANAGEABLE"), "consistency check failed, bug? ({} != {})".format(current_step, TOPOLOGY_STEP_LIST.index("MANAGEABLE")) if remember_paths: _PATHS = PATHS PATHS = PATHS_LAKE # compute rest of manageable region (lake + backwaters) set_global_status(TOPOLOGY_STEP_LIST[current_step], STATUS_PREPARATION) states[is_sunny(coordinates) & (states == SUNNY_UP)] = LAKE states[is_sunny(coordinates) & (states == UNSET)] = BACKWATERS set_global_status(TOPOLOGY_STEP_LIST[current_step], STATUS_COMPUTATION) _viability_kernel(coordinates, states, good_states=[ SHELTER, -SHELTER, # these should not be possible to be reached GLADE, -GLADE, # these should not be possible to be reached LAKE, -LAKE, BACKWATERS, -BACKWATERS ], bad_state=[SUNNY_UP, UNSET], succesful_state=[LAKE, BACKWATERS], work_state=[LAKE, BACKWATERS], evolutions=all_evols, **viability_kwargs) if remember_paths: set_global_status(TOPOLOGY_STEP_LIST[current_step], STATUS_POSTPROCESSING) PATHS = _PATHS # don't need to set back PATHS_LAKE as these are just references to the dictionaries anyway del _PATHS # just for keeping the code clean, not really necessary # write the backwaters part to the normal mask mask = (states == BACKWATERS) PATHS["reached point"][mask] = PATHS_LAKE["reached point"][mask] PATHS["next point index"][mask] = PATHS_LAKE["next point index"][mask] PATHS["choice"][mask] = PATHS_LAKE["choice"][mask] PATHS_LAKE["next point index"][mask] = PATHS_INDEX_DEFAULT PATHS_LAKE["choice"][mask] = PATHS_MANAGEMENT_DEFAULT del mask if not np.any(states == LAKE): printv("no lake found, removing PATHS_LAKE arrays") PATHS_LAKE = {} set_global_status(TOPOLOGY_STEP_LIST[current_step], STATUS_DONE) if stop_when_finished <= current_step: # do the post computation hook (default, setting negative states positive) # and then exit post_computation_hook(coordinates, states) return current_step += 1 if not np.any(states == BACKWATERS): printv('backwater empty, skip remaining downstream') else: # calculate remaining downstream dark and sunny assert current_step == TOPOLOGY_STEP_LIST.index("REMDOWN"), "consistency check failed, bug? ({} != {})".format(current_step, TOPOLOGY_STEP_LIST.index("REMDOWN")) set_global_status(TOPOLOGY_STEP_LIST[current_step], STATUS_PREPARATION) states[(states == UNSET)] = DARK_DOWN set_global_status(TOPOLOGY_STEP_LIST[current_step], STATUS_COMPUTATION) _viability_capture_basin(coordinates, states, target_states=[BACKWATERS, -SUNNY_DOWN, -DARK_DOWN], reached_state=SUNNY_DOWN, bad_state=UNSET, work_state=DARK_DOWN, evolutions=all_evols, **viability_kwargs) set_global_status(TOPOLOGY_STEP_LIST[current_step], STATUS_POSTPROCESSING) states[~is_sunny(coordinates) & (states == SUNNY_DOWN)] = DARK_DOWN set_global_status(TOPOLOGY_STEP_LIST[current_step], STATUS_DONE) if stop_when_finished <= current_step: # do the post computation hook (default, setting negative states positive) # and then exit post_computation_hook(coordinates, states) return current_step += 1 # calculate trench and set the rest as preliminary estimation for the eddies set_global_status(TOPOLOGY_STEP_LIST[current_step], STATUS_PREPARATION) states[is_sunny(coordinates) & (states == UNSET)] = SUNNY_EDDIES # look only at the coordinates with state == UNSET set_global_status(TOPOLOGY_STEP_LIST[current_step], STATUS_COMPUTATION) _viability_capture_basin(coordinates, states, target_states=[ SUNNY_EDDIES, -SUNNY_EDDIES, SUNNY_ABYSS, -SUNNY_ABYSS # a tad imprecise that both negative states are in here ], reached_state=DARK_EDDIES, bad_state=TRENCH, work_state=UNSET, evolutions=all_evols, **viability_kwargs) if not compute_eddies: # assume all eddies are abysses set_global_status(TOPOLOGY_STEP_LIST[current_step], STATUS_POSTPROCESSING) states[(states == SUNNY_EDDIES)] = SUNNY_ABYSS states[(states == UNSET)] = DARK_ABYSS states[(states == DARK_EDDIES)] = DARK_ABYSS else: # the preliminary estimations for sunny and dark eddie are set set_global_status(TOPOLOGY_STEP_LIST[current_step], STATUS_COMPUTATION, STATUS_EDDIES_SUNNY, STATUS_PREPARATION) states[(states == SUNNY_EDDIES)] = UNSET set_global_status(TOPOLOGY_STEP_LIST[current_step], STATUS_COMPUTATION, STATUS_EDDIES_SUNNY, STATUS_COMPUTATION) _viability_capture_basin(coordinates, states, target_states=[DARK_EDDIES, -DARK_EDDIES], reached_state=SUNNY_EDDIES, bad_state=SUNNY_ABYSS, work_state=UNSET, evolutions=all_evols, **viability_kwargs) set_global_status(TOPOLOGY_STEP_LIST[current_step], STATUS_COMPUTATION, STATUS_EDDIES_SUNNY, STATUS_DONE) for num in range(MAX_ITERATION_EDDIES): set_global_status(TOPOLOGY_STEP_LIST[current_step], STATUS_COMPUTATION, STATUS_EDDIES_DARK, STATUS_PREPARATION) states[(states == DARK_EDDIES)] = UNSET set_global_status(TOPOLOGY_STEP_LIST[current_step], STATUS_COMPUTATION, STATUS_EDDIES_DARK, STATUS_COMPUTATION) changed = _viability_capture_basin(coordinates, states, target_states=[SUNNY_EDDIES, -SUNNY_EDDIES], reached_state=DARK_EDDIES, bad_state=DARK_ABYSS, work_state=UNSET, evolutions=all_evols, **viability_kwargs) set_global_status(TOPOLOGY_STEP_LIST[current_step], STATUS_COMPUTATION, STATUS_EDDIES_DARK, STATUS_DONE) if not changed: break set_global_status(TOPOLOGY_STEP_LIST[current_step], STATUS_COMPUTATION, STATUS_EDDIES_SUNNY, STATUS_PREPARATION) states[(states == SUNNY_EDDIES)] = UNSET set_global_status(TOPOLOGY_STEP_LIST[current_step], STATUS_COMPUTATION, STATUS_EDDIES_SUNNY, STATUS_COMPUTATION) changed = _viability_capture_basin(coordinates, states, target_states=[DARK_EDDIES, -DARK_EDDIES], reached_state=SUNNY_EDDIES, bad_state=SUNNY_ABYSS, work_state=UNSET, evolutions=all_evols, **viability_kwargs) set_global_status(TOPOLOGY_STEP_LIST[current_step], STATUS_COMPUTATION, STATUS_EDDIES_SUNNY, STATUS_DONE) if not changed: break else: warn.warn("reached MAX_ITERATION_EDDIES = %i during the Eddies calculation"%MAX_ITERATION_EDDIES) set_global_status(TOPOLOGY_STEP_LIST[current_step], STATUS_DONE) current_step += 1 assert current_step == len(TOPOLOGY_STEP_LIST) - 2, "consistency check failed, bug? ({} != {})".format(current_step, len(TOPOLOGY_STEP_LIST) - 2) # there is a -2 in the assert statement because a trailing '""' is added to 'TOPOLOGY_STEP_LIST' in order to have '""' as the default for 'stop_when_finished' # computation is done, # do the post computation hook (default, setting negative states positive) # and then exit set_global_status(TOPOLOGY_STEP_LIST[current_step], STATUS_POSTPROCESSING) post_computation_hook(coordinates, states) set_global_status(TOPOLOGY_STEP_LIST[current_step], STATUS_DONE) # clean up global STATUS STATUS = "" STATUS_PREFIX = None return